Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Rise and Spread of Communism in China essays

The Rise and Spread of Communism in China essays The Rise and Spread of Communism in China The aftermath of World War II had left many countries in ruins, as great masses of countrymen were beginning to suffer from its devastating effects. The remains of what had once been great cities were now destroyed, and the remnants of great buildings and architectural structures now littered the streets. At such a critical and dreadful time, many societies were forced to re-establish and reconstruct, as the war left many injured and homeless, in a daily struggle for survival. An ideal revolution was required, and for China during this post World War II era, communism inevitably became their glorious path towards restoration. The ideal of communism, which can briefly be described as an economic system that is characterized by collective ownership of property with an organization of labor providing for the common good of all the members, contained many political and social aspects, which seemed ideal to a devastated China. Furthermore, the implementation of a new communistic society required the destruction of the previous anti-communist Guomindang regime. Political aid, along with military support additionally played a significant part in the post World War II, as many third worlds became nothing more then pawns in these ongoing contests of the two global superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union (Turbulent Passage, 118). Inevitably, the aftermath caused by World War II caused the rise and spread of communism, as China desperately needed to diverge from a former Guomindang regime, towards a new communist ideal. The spread of Communism and its ideals in China significantly increased during the occurrence of the war. The rise of Communism during this period is additionally affiliated with the gradual destruction of Chiang Kai-Sheks regime of the anti-communist, Guomindang. Despite initial support of the Guomindang provided by their military, peasants, and landlo...

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