Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Setting And For Achieving Professional Goals - 1297 Words

Setting and Achieving Professional Goals Goals According to Nelson, â€Å"Goal setting is the process of establishing desired results that guide and direct behavior† (Nelson, 2013, p. 204). Goals contribute in the development of the sense of purpose and mission that is an integral aspect in being a success in the professional world. Priorities, determination and objectives are significant foundations for motivation of employees which can lead to collective accomplishment even in trying times. While these goals can have an effect on employee performance, it is crucial to take into consideration the different demands of various tasks that may have an impact on the degree and the direction of the effects (Nelson, 2013, p. 204). I have several professional goals, the first being advancing into a managerial or administrative position in my current place of work, which I have recently accomplished. In addition, I have another goal of obtaining employment in a supervisory, managerial or administrative position in an organiz ation preferably in the medical field. For the time being, I will concentrate on my first goal in my current place of employment. I often stop and contemplate reaching goals and objectives. It is imperative to be motivated and persistent in striving to attain my goals and objectives until I actually reach them. According to (Al-Qasem, 2008), â€Å"How much you want your goals and objectives determines the strength of your motivation†. It is this strength ofShow MoreRelatedThe Professional Career Goal Of A Health Care Administrator1538 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscussion is the chosen professional career goal of a Health Care Administrator in a Clinic in the Otolaryngology or Gynecology department, Administrator in a nursing home or hospital Emergency Room. 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