Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analysis Of Kate Chopin s Story Of An Hour - 993 Words

Irony in â€Å"Story of an Hour† In Kate Chopin’s short story â€Å"Story of an Hour†, Irony, or the expression of meaning that traditionally indicates the contrary of what is expected, plays a huge role in deciphering the theme and underlying motifs of the story that takes the reader through the hour of Mrs. Mallard’s life after her husband supposedly dies. Through Irony, Kate Chopin effectively portrays the forbidden joy of independence (SparkNotes Editors). The theme is portrayed by the author’s emphasis on situational irony, dramatic irony, oppression, and repression throughout the story. One way that Kate Chopin depicts the theme of forbidden joy of independence is by accentuating situational irony, or when what actually happens is not what was expected to happen (Scholes). Situational irony takes place in the story in many ways: Someone who is supposed to be dead walks in, and the switching of roles (when Mr. Mallard lives and Mrs. Mallard dies). The most obvious way that situational irony takes place in the story is when Mr. Mallard walks into the room when every other person in the room has the mindset that he is no longer alive. Most people would assume that when Mrs. Mallard hears of her husband’s death that she would be upset; but, instead of wallowing, she is relieved with the previously banned joy of finally being free from marriage. When her husband walks in, she realizes that he was never dead, and that her freedom never truly existed; she has the opposite emotions ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour955 Words   |  4 P agesLiterally analysis of Naturalism and the Short Story Form: Kate Chopin’s ‘The Story of an Hour† While Scott D. Emmert in Naturalism and the Short Story Form: Kate Chopin’s ‘The Story of an Hour’ points out the short stories cannot form a narrative because of their length and others would disagree. 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